Mississippi Map Turtle


Topographic Turtles

The Mississippi map turtle is a shy creature that prefers deep water habitats where they can retreat and feel safe. They are social and friendly in a community of other turtles, but can be skittish around humans.

As a pet, they are best considered as “look only” turtles as they get easily startled and stressed. They are not fond of being handled and may bite if threatened. For those reasons, while they are beautiful pets, map turtles are recommended for experienced reptile keepers.


 Native Habitat

There are 14 subspecies of map turtles. Map turtles get their name from the distinct patterns on their shells that resemble the ridges of a map. As expected, the Mississippi map turtle is native to the Mississippi River and its southern tributaries. Conservation efforts and regulations are currently in effect to protect map turtles in the wild.



 Recommended Housing And Accessories

Full-grown map turtles require plenty of swimming space and prefer a current in their tank. Typically a 75-gallon tank will do well for one male turtle; and a 125-gallon tank for one female. The Aqueon Standard Glass Terrarium is a great aquarium that comes in multiple sizes depending on your turtle.

Use a strong and large water filter to maintain water quality and create a current in the water, like the Aqueon Quietflow® Canister Filter 400. Water care products like Zilla Water Conditioner, Zilla Miracle Ball, and Zilla PURE help maintain safe and healthy water while significantly reducing time spent on upkeep.

Turtles need to bask in order to warm up and regulate their metabolism. Provide a dry basking area with accessories like the Zilla Freestanding Floating Basking Platform or Zilla Basking Platform Ramp.


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 Temperature and Lighting

Maintain water temperature around 85˚F for optimal activity and appetite for your map turtle. Use bulbs like the Zilla Incandescent Spot Bulbs or Zilla Mini Halogen Bulbs to create healthy heat and lighting. You can also use heat emitters like the Zilla Aquatic Reptile Heater to help with consistent overall water warmth.

UVA and UVB is a necessity for a healthy turtle. Indoor turtles require UVB lighting and supplemental heat lights for 10-12 hours a day. Make sure to provide access to UVA/UVB on basking platforms using any Zilla Fluorescent UVA/UVB bulb. Remember to replace bulbs every 6 months.

For more information on UV lighting, read Understanding UVA, UVB, and UVC Reptile Lighting.



 Feeding and Diet

Map turtles are omnivorous eaters, enjoying aquatic turtle pellets, leafy greens, insects, crustaceans, and fish. Offer fresh vegetables and plants regularly, avoid fatty fish, and provide larger, high-protein food items.

There are a variety of treats made for turtles that will get them excited and give them something to swim after, like Zilla River Shrimp or Turtle Chasers. For complete nutrition in your aquatic turtle’s diet, give Zilla Turtle Sticks a try!

Check the Zilla Feeding Guide for a list of appropriate food options.




Overtime you will build a special connection with your turtle during feeding and caring for them. However, Mississippi map turtles can become stressed when handled and may bite when uncomfortable. They may become more accustomed to handling over time, but always handle them gently and deliberately and try to keep your fingers safely away from the head.



Created in cooperation with the

Madison Area Herpetological Society, Inc.

