
Why Pet Lizards are Great For Beginners

Why Pet Lizards are Great For Beginners

The family cat and dog are cool, but is your child asking to have a pet in their bedroom? It's not uncommon for young teens to get curious about reptiles — with lizards being quite popular. Thankfully, there are many pet lizards for beginners that are family-friendly, low maintenance, and help your child learn more about responsibility.

Here's Why Lizards are Cool Pets

Kids are curious about lizards because they are unique! They have colorful bodies, scales or smooth skin, and eat insects — unlike all the furry pets they've cuddled before.

Also, lizards have cool terrarium houses with plants, climbing rocks, branches, and bright lights that create a cool bedroom vibe. Really, the set-up for a lizard is intriguing to anyone who has only ever had pet hamsters, dogs, or birds around the home.

Finally, lizards are popular because they've taken over our screens. We're entertained by the goofy antics in car insurance commercials and in several animated movies. It's no wonder lizards (especially geckos!) are popular pets.

Are Lizards Family Friendly?

Lizards are best for families with adults or older children. Lizards can be fast on their feet and fragile to handle, making them ideal for responsible teens and adults.

However, if your toddler is taken with tokays, consider a lizard variety that is best enjoyed by watching them through the glass of their habitat. Some lizards don't love to be handled, which makes them perfect pets for curious observers, like small children or home-bound seniors.

Bonding With Your First Pet Lizard

After you bring your new lizard pet home, spend some time adjusting. For the first few days, let the pet explore their home and get acclimated to the new decor, schedule, and people peering inside the tank. Even though it's tempting to start interacting with the lizard directly, give them time to get settled.

Once the lizard has found their favorite basking spot and hideouts, it's time to become more inquisitive. For species that tolerate handling, like leopard geckos and African fire skinks, try lowering your hand into the tank slowly and allowing the lizard to climb into your palm. Rest there. Let the pet realize this is a safe activity. Take note of how the pet moves, what their feet feel like on your skin, and how they look at you. This moment is a great way to start bonding.

Eventually, your lizard will look forward to palm visits and want to do more. Perhaps the pet climbs up your arm and rides around on your shoulder, with ample supervision, of course! After handling any reptile pet, wash your hands with soap and water.

Pet lizards are great for beginners who want to try a reptile. Whether you fall for a lively long-tailed grass lizard, an eye-catching emerald swift, or a slow-moving skink, you're sure to make a friend from the world of reptiles. Ready to visit the pet store? Learn more about the best pet lizards before you head out the door.


Reptiles Magazine, 13 Tips To Better Reptile Handling
Reader's Digest, 10 Reasons Lizards Are Misunderstood and Why We Need Them
PetMD, These Are the Best Pets for Kids at Each Age
